Nesbitt Memorial Library
Columbus, Texas

Last Updated November 30, 2009
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Marriage Records of Colorado County, 1837-1857

compiled by Ernest Mae Seaholm

Click Here for Records of Marriages, Part 2, 1857-1879

Part 1

Though the entries in it begin shortly after the county was established, the earliest known book of marriage records in Colorado County is designated as Book B. The tantalizing possibility that earlier records were kept has not been confirmed. Despite diligent searching, no Book A has ever been found

The list below presents the book and page number for each record, followed by the date of the marriage (if the license was returned) or the date the license was issued (if it was not), then by the names of the couple who secured the license (with proper spellings, when known, inserted in square brackets), then by the name of the official who presided at the ceremony. This list is based on a list compiled by Angela Boswell, as audited by Ernest Mae Seaholm and Bill Stein.


Book B, page 2: June 29, 1837, Jasper Gilbert marries Elvira Lockhart; William Menifee, County Judge, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 2: July 7, 1837, Casper Simon marries Elizabeth Cooter [Kotter]; Samuel Alexander, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 2: August 1, 1837, Jesse Burnum [Burnam] marries Nancy Ross; Samuel Alexander, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 3: August 1, 1837, William O. Burnum [Burnam] marries Caroline Zumalt [Zumwalt]; Samuel Alexander, Justice of the Peace, performs ceremony.

Book B, page 3: October 1, 1837, William Lewis married Adelia H. Sargent; Samuel Alexander, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 3: October 1, 1837, William Townsend marries Mary Burnum [Burnam]; Samuel Alexander, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 4: October 4, 1837, Zeno Bronson marries Martha Bostic [Bostick]; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 4, September 3, 1837, Bernard Snider marries Hannah Clara Klahemp [Klekamp]; Samuel Alexander Justice of the Peace, performs ceremony.

Book B, page 5: November 25, 1837, Patrick Reels marries Mary Bright [nee Snyder]; Williamson Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 5: November 25, 1837, Jesse Murphy marries Mary Wright; Williamson Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 5: November 25, 1837, Washington Secrest marries Comfort Robinson; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 5: December 2, 1837, Andrew Zumalt [Zumwalt] marries Harriet Laumore; Williamson Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 6: January 21, 1838, J. G. D. Coatney marries Martha Eaton; Williamson Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 6: February 26, 1838, Preston Gilbert marries Mary Newman; Williamson Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 6: January 1, 1838, John P. Thompson marries Polly A. Wilhelm; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 7: November 20, 1837, Joel W. Robinson marries Anna Alexander; James Stephens, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 7: February 26, 1838, William R. C. Newman marries Margaret Nelson; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs ceremony.

Book B, page 7: February 21, 1838, Felix G. Secrest marries Martha Ann C. Bostick; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 8: May 8, 1838, B. G. Ijams marries Louisa C. Cunningham; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 8: March 3, 1838, John Joseph: May marries Catherine McCoy; W. Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 8: March 31, 1838, Jesse Robinson marries Sally Neuman [Newman]; W. [Williamson] Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 9: May 30, 1838, Nathan D. Barr marries Rachael Neuman [Newman]; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 9: May 30, 1838, Henry L. Bays of Matagorda Co., marries Mary Anne Wilson; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 9: September 26, 1838, James E. Silvey marries Melissa Watts; W. B. Dewees, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 10: September 2, 1838, Philo Fairchild marries Mahala Wickson; W. Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 10: September 2, 1838, Thomas J. Nickols marries Minerva Wickson; W. Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 10: September 2, 1838, Asa Wickson marries Margaret Null; W. Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 11: October 8, 1838, Brian Grovner of Fayette County, Texas, marries Letha Crier; W. Daniels performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 11: September 27, 1838, Levi Mercer marries Sarah Menifee; William E. Heard, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 11: September 11, 1838, Peter Piper [Pieper] marries Elizabeth Simon; W. Daniels, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 12: October 25, 1838, Frederick Scranton marries Amanda Eaton; W. B. Dewees performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 12: January 30, 1839, B. R. Thomas marries Mary Thompson; W. B. Dewees performs ceremony.

Book B, page 12: April 2, 1839, E. R. Killet marries A. M. Heard; J. S. G. Strickland of Egypt, Colorado County, minister of the gospel performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 13: March 10, 1839, William Right [Wright] marries Jemimah Bennett; John Sutherland, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 14: April 4, 1839, Sion R. Bostick marries Susan Townsend; Willard Wadham, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 14: November 28, 1839, Chas. McKinney marries Phoebe Stifler; Jacob Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 15: January 10, 1840, Joseph Adair marries Isabella Cummings; Chistian Land performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 15: January 7, 1840, E. D. Holland and Elizabeth Munson receive license to marry; no return of license.

Book B, page 16: January 12, 1840, James Nelson marries Nancy Slaughter; J. F. Miller, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 17: March 5, 1840, W. R. Neuman [Newman?] marries Martha Shedrick; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 17: March 5, 1840, Joseph Tumlinson marries Elizabeth Neuman [Newman]; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 18: August 25, 1840, James Pinchback marries Margaret Dabney; J. F. Miller, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 18: May 20, 1840, Jacob Tipps and Johannah McCrabb receive license to marry; no return of license.

Book B, page 19: December 31, 1840, Lyman W. Alexander marries Jane G. Cummins; Kidder Walker, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 19: December 18, 1840, John G. Lackey marries Teresa Mercer; John Sutherland, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 20: January 22, 1842, Travis Miller marries Diana Strawsneider; John F. Miller, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 20: January 21, 1841, John Sutherland marries Mrs. Anna Mary Dickson; Robert H. Hill, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 21: March 9, 1841, Levi Bostick marries Amanda Cole; Kidder Walker performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 22: April 21, 1841, Henry Krey marries Susan Saelatin [Salatin]; L. Cachand Ervendberg, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 23: April 28, 1841, George Herder marries Mina Wolters; L. Cachand Ervendberg, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 23: March 6, 1841, John Hope marries Hana Minerva Alexander; N. H. Bond performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 24: July 24, 1841, Kidder Walker marries Catherine Parker; Joel Ponton performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 25: September 2, 1841, James Callison marries Jane Sargent; Kidder Walker performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 25: July 8, 1841, Andrew Ponton marries Mary H. Barry; Joel Ponton performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 26: September 20, 1841, J. W. Hinch marries Emeline C. Clark; Joel Ponton performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 27: October 6, 1841, Alexander Dunlavy marries Eliza Suggs; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 27: October 10, 1841, Nickolas H. Izard marries Isabella Adair; Samuel J. Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 28: December 29, 1841, Asa Smith marries Mahala Hope; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 29: January 23, 1842, William C. Baxter marries Mary Pace; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 29: January 23, 1842, Andrew J. McDonald marries Matilda Watts; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 30: February 2, 1842, George W. Menifee marries Letitia L. Mercer; Rev. Fenis E. Foster of Cumberland Presbyterian Church performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 30: February 2, 1842, Elizah G. Mercer marries Jamina Heard; Rev. Fenis E. Foster of Cumberland Presbyterian Church performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 31: February 10, 1842, John Breeding of Fayette County, Texas, marries Louisa P. Ware; W. P. Smith, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 31: February 3, 1842, George W. Cox marries Mary J. Cherry; Kidder Walker, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 32: February 27, 1842, Warren Addams marries Sarah R. Jackson; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 33: March 4 1842, William G. Hunt marries Mary F. Carter; Samuel J. Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 33: April 7, 1842, Adolph Rhode marries Elizabeth Ladenets [Löbnitz]; L. C. Ervendberg, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 34: May 8, 1842, E. Ruhmann marries Ellen M. Moss [Maas]; L. C. Ervendberg, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 35: August 18, 1842, Augustus W. Kelsey marries Sarah Snider; J. F. Mullin, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 35: July 17, 1842, J. W. Rice marries Elizabeth White; Kidder Walker performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 36: September 4, 1842, John Lease [Liese] marries Thosa Richter; Samuel Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 37: September 8, 1842, Frederick E. Miller marries Sofia L. Jesse; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 37: September 18, 1842, Richard H. Waddell marries Narcissa Lewis; Samuel Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 38: October 18, 1842, James Burleson marries Elizabeth A. Earp; John F. Miller, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 38: September 20, 1842, George Washington Cottrell marries Mary Gilbert; J. Tipp, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 39: December 7, 1842, Francis Akna marries Susan Moss; Samuel Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 39: November 10, 1842, John E. Dorsey marries Malinda McMillan; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 40: January 10, 1843, Leander Beeson marries Rebecca E. Gibberson [Giberson]; Fenis E. Foster, minister of the gospel of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 40: January 3, 1843, Charlton Cole marries Caroline N. Wright; Fenis E. Foster, minister of the gospel of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 41: January 13, 1843, Andrew J. Bonds marries P. A. E. Winfrey [Winfree]; Fenis E. Foster, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 42: December 23, 1842, W. J. Barry marries Elizabeth Calaway; Joel Ponton performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 42: March 17, 1843, George H. Scull marries Sarah Robinson; John F. Miller, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 43: September 1, 1842, James K. McCreary marries Elizabeth Jane Hatch; William J. Jones, District Judge, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 43: March 23, 1843, William Hope marries Elizabeth Townsend; Jacob Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 44: February 5, 1843, Virgil A. Stewart marries Lucinda Flower; Fenis E. Foster, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 45: July 6, 1843, Stephen Hicks marries Elizabeth Ann Cummins; John Cheney performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 45: June 8, 1843, Samuel J. Redgate marries Mary F. Grimes; L. C. Ervendberg, minister of German Protestant Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 46: September 3, 1843, Charles Braughton marries Eliza Pearson; Fenis E. Foster, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 47: August 18, 1843, John G. Campbell marries Sophia M. Foley; John Cheney, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 47: September 28, 1843, James Dickson marries Mrs. Ellender Earp; John E. Miller, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 48: December 23, 1843, Henry Bossell marries Mrs. Luise Jesse alias Miller; L. C. Ervendberg performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 48: September 28, 1843, John Hope marries Hannah Minerva Alexander; G. W. Gardner, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 49: January 14, 1844, Moses Townsend marries Nancy Colwell; G. W. Gardener, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 50: November 21, 1843, John P. Borden of Fort Bend County, Texas, marries Susan Mary Hatch; William J. Jones, Judge of District Court, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 51: December 21, 1843, Collatinus Ballard marries Mary Jane Hallet [Hallett]; Edward A Clark performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 51: February 1, 1844, Alisen C. Hunt marries Sarah A. Cummings; G. W. Gardener, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 52: February 4, 1844, Samuel Long marries Louisa J. McFarling [McFarlin]; John Chenney, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 52: February 29, 1844, Thomas Ware marries Jerustha Hope; Lindsey P. Ruehen, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 53: March 23, 1844, Pleasant J. Slaughter marries Mary E. McCaless; Henry S. Thrall, minister of the gospel, Methodist Episcopal Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 54: April 23, 1844, Theodore H. Mullen marries Francis Sargent; G. W. Gardener, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 54: April 18, 1844, S. S. Montgomery marries Josephine Estep; W. C. Blain, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 55: April 18, 1844, John Shelby McNiel [McNeel] marries Laura Ann Montgomery; W. C. Blain, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 56: May 12, 1844, Joseph L. Ellison marries Cornelia M. Blair; John F. Miller, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 56: May 30, 1844, Robert H. Kuykendall marries Matilda Earp; John F. Miller, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 57: May 8, 1844, William Abercrombie marries Sarena Vandikes; John Chenney, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 57: June 5, 1844, Thomas Riesel marries Sarah Roberson; G. W. Gardner, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 58: March 14, 1844, Richard L. Breeding of Fayette County, Texas, marries Artimisia Ware; W. P. Smith, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 58: June 12, 1844, William Byrne marries Eliz Ann Hatch; G. W. Gardner, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 59: May 23, 1844, Phillip Meelor [Melor] marries Mary Anne Mahon; W. P. Smith, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 60: October 18, 1844, Patrick Fleming marries Mrs. Jamina Bartlet; Edward A. Clark performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 60: August 8, 1844, W. F. Wilson marries Louisa A. Bean; G. W. Gardner, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 61: October 13, 1844, W. H. H. Baldridge of Gonzales County, Texas, marries Jerusa E. Townsend; John Chenney, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 61: December 28, 1844, B. C. Greenwood marries Teressa Bennett of Gonzales County, Texas; Rufus E. Brown performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 62: December 26, 1844, William R. Howard marries Drucilla Gentry; Samuel J. Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 63: January 21, 1845, Gideon Blackburn marries Mary A. Duffner of Gonzales County, Texas; Edward A. Clark performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 63: February 2, 1845, Frederick Muller marries Gesche Margaret Bartley; Samuel J. Redgate, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 64: January 24, 1845, W. H. Strahan marries Eliza Lynch; John F. Miller, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 64: February 4, 1845, Alexander Tucker of Gonzales County, Texas, marries Sarah A. Rela of Gonzales County, Texas; E. Estarz [Esbany], P.C.M., performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 65: February 10, 1845, John W. Devilbus marries Talitha Ann Mennifee [Menefee]; Jesse Hord, minister of the gospel of Methodist Episcopal Church performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 65: May 4, 1845, Martin D. Ramsey marries Margaret Pinchback; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 66: October 3, 1843, Exekial George of Fort Bend County, Texas, marries Martha Amanda Bomar; C. G. Word, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 66: March 13, 1845, Lewis Boatright marries Levina Honeycut; M. K. Estill, Justice of the Peace of Fayette County performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 67: June 5, 1845, Dempsey Pace marries Elizabeth Dabney; John F. Miller, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 67: May 4, 1845, Martin D. Ramsey marries Margaret Pinchback; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony (repeat of item on page 65).

Book B, page 68: May 18, 1845, Edward Brune marries Charlotte Hurst; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 68: June 26, 1845, B. W. Force marries Catherine E. Berry; H. S. Thrall, minister of Methodist Episcopal Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 69: June 2, 1845, John Brod marries Josephine Meismer; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 69: August 2, 1845, John Hyman [Heimann] marries Anna Broad [Brod]; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 70: August 2, 1845, John Broad [Brod] marries Elizabeth Bymer [Beimer]; J.Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 70: August 17, 1845, Thomas Webb marries Jane Sophia Montgomery; Joseph Hord, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 71: October 18, 1845, George William Brown marries Elizabeth Hinch; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 71: September 7, 1845, Gerard Frels marries Louisa Wickmann; J. Tipps, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 72: October 27, 1845, Jonathan Allen marries Martha Jane Gentry; Jesse Hord, minister Methodist Episcopal Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 72: December 24, 1845, Mentor Northington marries Elizabeth E. Heard; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 73: December 23, 1845, William Austin marries Blanche Elizabeth Wooley [Woolsey]; John F. Miller, County Judge, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 73: December 11, 1845, William Head marries Eliza Griffith; Jesse Hord, minister of Methodist Episcopal Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 74: February 17, 1846, Joseph S. Anderson marries Elizabeth Sweeny; Jesse Hord, minister of Methodist Episcopal Church, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 74: January 8, 1846, William B. Morris marries Mary Foot [Foote]; William Mims, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 75: July 18, 1846, John Callahan marries Barbara Holstein; Edward A. Clark performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 75: March 6, 1846, B. W. P. Sapp marries Mary A. Beeson; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 76: December 26, 1845, Jackson Roark marries Helen M. McNeill; W. A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 76: March 22, 1846, John Cherry marries Charlotte Shaw; J. J. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 77: June 14, 1846, W. S. Hamilton marries Louisa M. Dickson; H. S. Thrall performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 77: October 11, 1847, Noah Bonds marries Melissa Ann Silvey; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 77: September 30, 1847, Christian Kelch marries Ellender Dickson; W. A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 78: October 19, 1847, John Swatts marries Mary Jury [Young?]; J. A. Toliver, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 79: November 23, 1847, James L. Cherry marries Sarah Shannon; W. A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 79: November 2, 1847, James McMillan marries Eliza Ann Morgan; John Toliver, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 80: November 23, 1847, John B. Botard marries Anne Margaret Miller; John Toliver, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 80: January 8, 1848, Henry Dickman marries Gerdrieth Sholer; G. B. Halyard, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 81: November 14, 1847, Andreas Fockba marries Catharina Dreyer; John A. Jacobs, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 81: November 19, 1847, John Bernard Heimann marries Catharina Dreyer; John A. Jacobs, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 82: February 24, 1848, Boyd Bonds marries Elizabeth Miller; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 82: April 25, 1848, Frederick Siems marries Elizabeth Cammel [Kimmel?]; J. M. Caller, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 83: April 16, 1848, W. S. Smith marries Sarah Frances Strahan; M. D. Ramsey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 84: April 28, 1848, A. H. Dryer [Dreyer] marries Susanna Clice Krey; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 84: April 25, 1848, Robert. H. Tobin marries Martha C. Daniels; John Toliver performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 85: December 6, 1846, Daniel Miller marries Susan M. Locket; John Toliver performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 85: February 13, 1847, Antone Y. Neindorff [Neuendorff] marries Wilhelmina Sitsenbaume; William A. Shepherd performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 86: April 6, 1847, Antone Hollshille [Hoelscher] marries Anne Mary Elizabeth Ahsen [Ahtsen]; John A. Jacobs, Catholic priest in Frelsburg performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 86: April 10, 1847, Robert Smith marries Julia G. Woolly [Woolsey]; William Nelson performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 87: March 11, 1847, Oliver B. Crenshaw marries Mary Ann Anthenet Andrews; G. Harrison, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 87: March 7, 1847, W. B. Dewees marries Angelica Besch; W. A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 88: May 9, 1847, John Gerngross marries Mary Barbara Endres; J. A. Jacobs, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 88: May 27, 1847, Gabriel Slaughter marries Mary J. Cole; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 89: May 19, 1847, Renk Yabben Fokken marries Crema Addicks; F. Ernst, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 89: February 19, 1848, Thomas Ware marries Nancy McClosky; John Toliver, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 90: May 29, 1848, Herman Frels marries Joanna Schuarting; G. B. Halyard, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 90: June 8, 1848, John Stockbridge marries Melissa Jane Winfree; John Toliver, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 91: October 4, 1848, John Henry Voskamp marries Louisa Sophia Kaiser; Fr. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 91: November 5, 1848, Herman Lewis Schulenburg marries Hanna M. Jane Elenthorp; Fr. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 92: December 12, 1848, Cleveland Windrow marries Sally Ann Payne; J. C. Kolby [Kolbe] performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 92: December 15, 1848, Johan Henrick Muller marries Elizabeth Licka; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 93: December 6, 1848, William Mackdermit marries Mrs. Harriet Barrier; Josiah Shaw, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 93: December 4, 1848, Ernst Wieshun [Weishuhn] marries Fredericke Stienmeyer; Fr. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 94: March 8, 1849, Johann Gerard Fehrenkamp marries Christiana Elizabeth Amelia Fredericks; Fr. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 94: January 28, 1849, Johann Frederick Stoll marries Meta Reschen; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 95: March 5, 1849, Friedrich George Frericks marries Helen Catherine Henrietta Mehrens; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 95: May 24, 1849, Joseph Riche marries Friedrika Scharfenburg [Gertsenberg]; Archibald McNeill, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 96: June 14, 1849, Harrison Gregg marries Martha Eliza Turner; Williamson Daniels, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 96: June 21, 1849, Thomas H. Rolluson marries Eliza Hill; J. C. Kolby [Kolbe] performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 97: July 8, 1849, Henry Herder marries Louisa Voglesang [Vogelsang]; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 97: June 8, 1849, Ferdinand Traub [Draub] marries Jamima Fleming; Archibald McNeill, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 98: August 8, 1849, Thomas E. Cherry marries Charlotte E. Shannon; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 98: July 29, 1849, Jacob Hahn marries Eliza Elinger [Ehlinger]; J. Anstaett, Catholic missionary, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 99: August 20 1849, John Henry Alberts [Abberts] marries Catherine Speckle; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 99: September 7, 1849, Herman Neuhaus marries Anna Muller; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 100: December 16, 1849, George Metz marries Sarah Johnson; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 100: January 24, 1850, William M. Stewart marries Elizabeth Travathan; Archibald McNeill, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 101: February 3, 1850, Charles Elinger [Ehlinger] marries Wilhemnina Moller; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest, Frelsburg-Cummins Creek, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 101: March 24, 1850, W. B. Scates marries Sarah Willson; William A. Shepperd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 102: April 2, 1850, Henry Heneke [Henneke] marries Hedwig Miller; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest at Frelsburg, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 102: May 5, 1850, Franklin K. Walker marries Elvira L. Worthy; Josiah Shaw, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 103: May 9, 1850, James M. Daniels marries Susan A. Fitzgerald; Archibald McNeill, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 103: April 29, 1850, Jno McMillon [McMillan] Jr. marries Mrs. Elvira Perkins; William A. Shepherd, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 104: April 2, 1850, Henry Miller marries Elizabeth Schimmer [Schemmer]; F. Anstaett performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 104: May 20, 1850, Jno. Simmons marries Martha S. Wynn; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 105: June 24, 1850, Bernard Miller marries Elizabeth Hennicke; Joseph Anstaett, BC missionary, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 105: May 25, 1850, William H. Strahan marries Elizabeth Wicker; Josiah Shaw, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 106: September 4, 1850, Julius Meyenberg marries Kunegunde Oske; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 106: July 4, 1850, John Wright marries Sellena Delemon Stapleton; George Metz performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 107: August 15, 1850, B. H. Baley marries Mary C. Strahan; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 107: September 30, 1850, Francis Burtschell [Burttschell] marries Ann Mary Martz; J. Anstaett, Catholic missionary, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 108: December 20, 1850, John W. Mayes marries Adelia Winfrey [Winfree]; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 108: October 115, 1850, Watkins L. Smith marries Sarah Ann Insall; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 109: December 17, 1850, Thomas Bateman marries Elizabeth Lookup; John Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 109: November 30, 1850, Joseph Heneke [Henneke] marries Katherine Burtschell [Burttschell]; Joseph Anstaett, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 110: December 30, 1850, William Hellerberg marries Mare Doretta Schrip; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 110: February 7, 1851, Bernard Giestman [Geistmann] marries Elizabeth Klekamp; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 111: January 5, 1851, Kinshin W. Walker marries Martha A. Wicker; John Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 111: January 7, 1851, Peter Windal [Wendel] marries Barbara Braden; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 112: January 7, 1851, Gustav Baurkenhoff [Berkenhoff] marries Neta Moeller [Moller]; J. Anstaett performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 112: January 7, 1851, Wilhelm Muller marries Mrs. Mary S. Schuman [Schemmer]; J. Anstaett, Cath. Minister, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 113: January 25, 1851, William Frels marries Louisa Frericks; Kidder Walker, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 113: February 9, 1851: August Weller marries Anna Schumaker; John Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 114: April 2, 1851, Eli Clapp marries Emily Cunningham; J. C. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 114: March 4, 1851, Rudolph Schwerin marries Caroline Strippleman; F. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 115: April 30, 1851, Henry Cook marries Mary Cimmer; C. W. Thomas, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 115: April 22, 1851, John Weikel [Weigel] marries Anna Margaret Kurchlavin [Kurzleben]; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 116: May 1, 1851, Francis L. Cabanas marries Mrs. Martha Nichols; George Metz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 116: May 24, 1851, Frederick Gurgens [Jürgens] marries Margaret Summers; name of minister is cut off.

Book B, page 117: November 12, 1851, Herman Gerhard Frederich Ernst marries Maria Elizabeth Christiane Drier [Dreyer]; J. F. Ernst, Justice of the Peace Beat 4, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 117: July 14, 1851, Charles Miller marries Elizabeth Hampton; J. Anstaett, Catholic clergy, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 118: November 6, 1851, J. P. Ellis marries Susan King; W. P. Smith, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 118: October 23, 1851, George W. Toliver marries Mary F. Wright; John Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 119: November 6, 1851, Andra C. Crawford marries Sarah E. Turner; J. Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 119: November 11, 1851, Joseph Shults of Fayette County, Texas, marries Elizabeth E. Sheperd; J. C. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 120, November 25, 1851, Fred Schneider [alias Hohnemann] marries Therisia Keisberg; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 120: November 20, 1851, Thornton Thatcher marries Elizabeth Lookup; J. C. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 121: December 14, 1851, Henry Bock marries Amelia Dryer [Dreyer]; George W. Cox, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 121: November 18, 1851, Joseph G. Tooke marries Frances Henderson; John Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 122: December 8, 1851, Johann Frederich Kaiser marries Charlotte Graever; Fr. Fibiger, minister, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 123: December 31, 1851, Ferdinand Brand marries Mena Deseva [Dueva]; Charles Winfree, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 123: December 27, 1851, Fredrick Otell [Othell] marries Eliza Dampke; Fr. Fibiger, minister, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 124: January 12, 1852, Anton Burttschell marries Wilhelmina Niendorff [Neuendorff]; J. Anstaett, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 124: January 16, 1852, John H. Peycke marries Geret Ott [Ort?]; Kidder Walker, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 125: January 15, 1852, Gerhard Dampkin marries Geerken Margaett Buck; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 125: February 1, 1852, George Guinn marries Caroline Suggs; J. Mackey, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 126: February 2, 1852, Benjamin W. Breeding marries Catherine Mayhar; P. B. Chandler performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 126: February 4, 1852, Dr. W. G. McGown marries Martha Jane Muckleroy; A. J. McGuin performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 127: February 12, 1852, Frederick Schultz marries Gerha Keisler; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 127: April 6, 1852, Johann Dedrich Meyer marries Margaret Dampkin [Dampken]; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony

Book B, page 128: April 19, 1852, John Braden marries Margurite Maerz; J. Anstaett, Catholic clergyman, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 128: April 5, 1852, William Burgess marries Tabitha Crawford; G. W. Cox, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 129: May 14, 1852, Dedrick Kreamer marries Orlena Beesing; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 129: May 11, 1852, Wilhelm G. T. Winkelman marries Fredericke Herder; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 130: May 27, 1852, B. H. Baley marries Geogiana Alabama Wicker; George W. Cox, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 130: May 31, 1852, Frances Henry Fisher marries Margaretta E. Ovengenten; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 131, recorded: February 11, 1853, but married about 1832 or 1833, John Crier married Polly Crier (married name); married by bond, J. Wright.

Book B, page 131: July 29, 1852, William Shelee marries Matilda C. Stagner; Kidder Walker, County Judge of Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 132: August 5, 1852, William H. Gazley marries Margaret Ann Sheppard; J. C. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 132: July 5, 1852, Louis Kaiser marries Anna Meiers; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 133: August 4, 1852, John Hope marries Nancy Cummins; George W. Cox, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 133: August 27, 1852, Lewis Monroe Mays marries Emily E. Holt; D. B. Rhodes, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 134: August 8, 1852, James M. Cook marries Mary E. Oden [Oder]; George W. Cox, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 134: September 22, 1852, Hiram Emmons marries Maurina T. Kennedy; C. W. Thomas, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 135: August 17, 1852, Heinrich George marries Margaretha Klussmann; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 135: August 19, 1852, Ernest Weishuhn marries Wilhelmina Frericks; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 136: October 1, 1852, Anton Heinsohn marries Nancy Stoltze; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 136: August 27, 1852, Henry Peters marries Charlotte Barring [Baring]; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 137: September 11, 1852, James W. Allen marries Rachel Sims; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 137: September 2, 1852, George F. Holman marries Sepronia Ivey; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 138: October 31, 1852, David H. Rhine marries Emma M. Tracy; C. W. Thomas performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 138: October 16, 1852, Alexander J. Shannon marries Mary Ann Wright; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 139: October 25, 1852, James J. Loomis marries Mary Elizabeth Wootton; John D. Thomas performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 139: November 9, 1852, Conrad Weigel marries Mary Francis Wink; Joseph Anstaett, Catholic clergyman, performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 140: November 7, 1852, Anthony Ficke marries Caroline Rössler; Joseph Anstaett performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 140: January 9, 1853, Joseph Shiske marries Mary Francisca Shroer; Joseph Anstaett performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 141: January 11, 1853, Lawrence Lewendosky marries Mary Ann Revelewitz [Rohlewitz]; Joseph Anstaett performs the ceremony.

Book B, page 141: February 10, 1853, John G. Montgomery marries Ann E. Stockton; J. C. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 1: December 21, 1852, Julius Weishoun [Weishuhn] marries Rieka Korting; F. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 1: January 10, 1853, Wilhelm Hahnlen marries Elizabeth Pieper; F. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 2: January 6, 1853, Frederick Rohlink marries Charlotte Knoblock; F. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 2: February 27, 1853, Carl Schmideke marries Mrs. Sophie Sieverts; F. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 3: February 22, 1853, Jacob Gosch marries Mane Grueb; F. Fibiger, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 3: February 18, 1853, Henry Trusta marries Engel Maria Hassan, married at house of Louis Heidmann in Industry by John O’Brien, Justice of the Peace, Austin County, Precinct 3.

Book C, page 4: March 31, 1853, George Henry marries Elizabeth Emmel; Gideon Scherer, Evangelical Lutheran Church minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 4: February 6, 1853, William H. Wallace marries Margaret Hoover; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 5: February 24, 1853, Vincent Allen marries Virginia A. Wilson; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 5: April 28, 1853, James E. Lang marries Julia Ann Kokernot; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 5: April 7, 1853, William L. Patterson marries Virginia L. Daniels; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 6: August 14, 1852, Marcelous Gilbert and Mary M. Winfree receive license to marry, no return of license.

Book C, page 6: June 16, 1853, James M. Russell marries Elizabeth T. Walker; William H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 6: May 16, 1853, Washington H. Secrest marries Mrs. Eliza Revear; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 7: June 29, 1853, James Callison marries Mrs. Ann W. Edge; Lee Green, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 7: June 5, 1853, John W. Clary marries Elizabeth Jane Hill; Gideon Scherer, pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church, Columbus, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 7: July 13, 1853, Johann Hinrich Eben marries Anna Mohrmann, both natives of the Grand Dukedom of Oldenburg, now of this county; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 8: August 9, 1853, Johann Beseleger marries Anna Margaretta Hahn; Dr. M. Snieth [Sueith?], pastor of Lutheran church at Columbus, performs the ceremony. (See also the marriage for this couple recorded on Book C, page 11.)

Book C, page 8: August 25, 1853, George Louis Nash marries Elizabeth Adriance; V. H. Iley, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 8: August 9, 1853, Bernard Schneider marries Clara Kasberg; Joseph Anstaett, Catholic clergy, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 9: August 15, 1853, Frederich Hilge marries Minna Fahrenthold; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 9: August 23, 1853, William Luhn marries Henrietta Kaiser; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 9: October 24, 1853, Henry C. Obenhaus marries Mrs. Diana Miller, widow of Travis Miller; W. H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 10: October 20, 1853, Gaston J. Dumas marries Letha Cleveland; Lee Green, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 10: September 9, 1853, Carl B. Thonholz marries Elizabeth N. Langenskel; F. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 10: September 13, 1853, J. H. Voskemp [Voskamp] marries Christianna Hilebrand; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 11: November 28, 1853, John Besleger [Beseleger] marries Anne Margaretta Hahn; Archibald McNeill, Chief Justice, Colorado County, performs the ceremony. (See also the marriage for this couple recorded on Book C, page 8.)

Book C, page 11: October 16, 1853, Henrich Bowe marries Mary Stafers; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 11: October 13, 1853, William L McNiell marries Elizabeth Victoria McNiell; Archibald McNiell, Chief Justice Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 12: October 18, 1853, Robert Franklin Bunting of La Grange, Fayette County, marries Nina E. Doxey; G. Scherer, pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 12: December 25, 1853, Julius Obenhaus marries Jane Thompson; Joseph Shultz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 12: December 22, 1853, Allen Tooke marries Martha Ann Holt; J. C. Kolbe, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 13: December 23, 1853, Johann Scholtze marries Fredrica Orttmann; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 13: January 26, 1854, Sylvester S. Munger marries Margaret Josephine McGown; Henry Renick, minister of the gospel of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 13: February 16, 1854, Cornelius C. Quinlan marries Susan N. Shepherd; Gideon Scherer, pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 14: January 25, 1854, Julius Anselin marries Clarissa G. Walker; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 14: January 29, 1854, Julius Hollmigan marries Amalie Eckardt; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 14: January 19, 1854, Robert Brooks Martin marries Virginia M. Tracy; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 15: February 25, 1854, Isam L. Baker marries Miss M. Schoemaker; George S. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 15: February 28, 1854, Rudolph Faschke marries Albertine Hartelt; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 15: March 3, 1854, Heinrich Spink marries Margareta Stoffelmann; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 16: April 11, 1854, Berend Anton Fehrenkamp marries Rosa Gaskeck, widow of John Schiller; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 16: February 21, 1854, Joseph Kohl marries Burgi Kesler; V. Gury, Catholic clergyman, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 16: February 21, 1854, Peter Kohl marries Anna Shroer; V. Gury, Catholic clergyman, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 17: May 2, 1854, Jacob Gosch marries Fredericka Köhler; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 17: April 30, 1854, Jürgen Stollman [Stallmann] marries Johanne Christiane Martin; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 17: April 23, 1854, William H. Wallace marries Sarah E. Hersperger; George S. Gatewood, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 18: June 24, 1854, Johann Henrich C. Harms marries Johanna L. M. Addix; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 18: May 11, 1854, Theodore Möller marries Margartha Sinsel; V. Gury, Catholic minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 18: March 21, 1854, John C. Oakes marries Malissa Adaline Cooper; George S. Gatewood, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 19: July 20, 1854, Green L. Andrews marries Martha Ann Sellers; P. B. Chandler, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 19: June 6, 1854, Johann Gottlob Lobser marries Mary Dority Shulz; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 19: July 9, 1854, Theophelus Volmer marries Soffie Hornemann; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 20: May 16, 1854, Jesse Jones marries Margaret Wilson; William H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 20: August 27, 1854, Julius Sandmeyer marries Mathilde Gehrke; Joseph Shultz, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 20: August 1, 1854, Bernhard Witte marries Theresia Erke; V. Gury, Catholic priest at Frelsburg, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 21, August. 2, 1854 to John Guerther and Barbara Weigel received license to marry; no date of ceremony but Speth, Catholic priest evidently performed the ceremony.

Book C, page 21: September 13, 1854, Everret Lewis marries Alice Josephine Strickland; J. H. Stribling performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 22: October 18, 1854, George W. Breeding marries Isabella Carlton; P. B. Chandler, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 22: October 4, 1854, R. B. Duke marries Eliza Insal [Insall]; George G. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 22: October 4, 1854, Marshall D. Walker marries Mary Cone; George G. Gatewood, Methodist minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 23: November 2, 1854, Robert L. Lowland marries Rebecca Graham; William H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 23: November 14, 1854, Henry Schmidekamp marries Anne Guthemann; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 24: December 30, 1854, Johann Hillje marries Helen Sophie Beethe; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 24: November 16, 1854, John Hope marries Julia Bateman; William H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 24: January 8, 1855, John William Frericks [Frerichs] marries Martha Louise Stolje [Stoltje]; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 25: April 15, 1855, Henry Boedecker marries Louise Theylmeyer [Thulemeyer]; Jacob Scherer performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 25: January 9, 1855, Johan S. Halfman marries Catherine Kluber; V. Gury, Catholic priest at Frelsburg, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 25: February 13, 1855, Willhelm Schollmann [Schoellmann] marries Maria Catherine Schneider; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 26: February 22, 1855, Thomas P. Clary marries Cassande E. Hill; Lee Green, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 26: February 6, 1855, Theodore Grothus [Grodhaus] marries Catherine Herenberg; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 26: February 6, 1855, Ernst Liermann marries Meta, also called Catherine, Schimmer; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 27: March 27, 1855, D. A. Hubbard of Fayette County marries Miss M. A. Stewart; R. F. Bunting, pastor of Presbyterian Church, Columbus, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 27: April 16, 1855, Christopher Moller marries Clara Dartmann; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 28: April 4, 1855, Joseph H. Guy marries Roann Carlton; R. F. Bunting, pastor of Presbyterian Church in Columbus and La Grange, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 28: April 13, 1855, Fritz Otel [Otell] marries Henrietta Ramthun; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 28: April 5, 1855, Fritz Thuelmier [Thulemeyer] marries Matee Bruthen; Jacob Scherer performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 29: June 12, 1855, Maqus L. Crawford of Lavaca County marries Emeretha C. Kimble; P. A. Kimble, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 29: June 6, 1855, William D. Dunford of Gonzales County marries Mrs. Sarah Cherry; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 29: May 15, 1855, Jacob Quick and Mary Ann Washington receive license to marry; no return of license.

Book C, page 30: July 6, 1855, Charles Besch marries Odilen Walters; J. J. Sherer performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 30: July 15, 1855, Drury A. Surrett marries Virgille S. Slaughter; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 30: August 13, 1855, Wilhelm Thulemeyer marries Charlotte Druer; G. Scherer performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 31: July 19, 1855, Gottlieb Boehme marries Friedriche Heinnecker [Hennecke?]; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 31: July 9, 1855, John W. Engel marries Christiana Hinkel; A. R. Rethermel, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 31: August 13, 1853, Albert G. Simmons marries Martha Watts; G. Scherer performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 32: August, 22, 1855, James M. Cummings marries Sarah Townsend, daughter of Asa Townsend; Joseph H. Moore, minister of the gospel of Methodist Episcopal Church, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 32: October 14, 1855, John G. Mackey [Mackel] marries Johanna Martin; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 32: September 9, 1855, Alexander Wiet marries Christianna Waughmer; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 33: October 4, 1855, Fredrick French marries Francesca Franky; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 33: September 23, 1855, H. E. Jordt marries Margaret J. Redgate, alias Jergens [Jürgens]; R. G. Blunton, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 33: September 18, 1855, Mathur Roether marries Mary Ann Bollwitz, daughter of S. Bollwitz; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 34: October 18, 1855, Thomas A. Currie marries M. Louise Harris; Gideon Scherer, pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 34: November 22, 1855, Anton Frick marries Mrs. Rosa Swartzenberg; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 34: November 14, 1855, John W. Iley marries Olivia A. Caller; George W. Gatewood, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 35: December 20, 1854, Willhem Wolf marries Frederika Eschberger; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 35: November 11, 1855, Fredrich Wilhelm Hingst marries Mrs. Agusta Lanerkering; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 35: November 26, 1855, Martin Huck marries Victoria Kutz; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 36: December 28, 1854, Adam Braden marries Frances Wink; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 36: December 21, 1854, Henry Dresler marries Johana Christianna Ummelmums; Fr. Fibiger performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 37: January 4, 1856, Gerhard Heinsohn marries Anna M. L. Fehrenkamp; F. T. Bechn, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 37: December 25, 1855, Theodore F. Howell marries Elizabeth Sellers; P. B. Chandler performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 37: January 13, 1856, Carl Sturn marries Minnia Kesler; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 38: December 25, 1855, Max Hagemann marries Elsie Mehrens; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 38: December 2, 1855, William M. Hancock marries May E. Allen; D. H. Ily performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 38: January 15, 1856, John Baster Ferit marries Anna Michalke; John Belieu, Evangelical Lutheran pastor in Bastrop County, Texas, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 39: January 14, 1856, Jacob Pautick [Pavlik] marries Rossina Bartsch; John Bielieu, Bastrop County, Evangelical Lutheran Church, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 39: January 6, 1856, Joseph Bray marries America Vesey; Alpherd B. Kerr, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 39: January 6, 1856, M. Carl Linke marries Christiana Meyer; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 40: September 16, 1856, Heinrich Grieve [Greve] marries Elizabeth Laubrock; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 40: February 7, 1856, George A. Valkey marries Matilda McDonald; W. P. Land, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 40: January 3, 1856, Timothy C. Wright marries Laura Ann Alley; G. Scherer, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 41: July 31, 1856, Thomas Donnell marries Mary E. Wright; William G. Foote, Minister of Methodist Episcopal Church South, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 41: December 29, 1856, Francis Kuhn marries Sophia Burttschell; V. Gury of Frelsburg performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 42: April 6, 1856, Caleb Benson marries Margaret Shelee; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 42: March 24, 1856, Nicholas Brod marries Caroline Stein; R. G. Blanton, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 42: August 7, 1856, Thomas J. Neavitt marries Julia L. Fitzgerald; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 43: June 24, 1856, Christofer Honeslage marries Ludovina Willman; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 43: July 15, 1856, Joseph Schnoër marries Josephia Ruter; V. Gury, Catholic priest in Frelsburg, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 44: April 28, 1856, Ferdinand Brandt marries Louisa Schat; William H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 44: August 10, 1856, Carl Frederick Fisher marries Wilhelmina Caroline Pagel; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 44: March 11, 1856: August Noack marries Karolena Mittelsladt; Joseph Scherer performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 45: March 18, 1856, Joseph Burtschell marries Gertrude Braden; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 45: May 2, 1856, Johann Fiola marries Elizabeth Janechek; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 45: June 17, 1856, Wilhelm Ocker marries Otell Jack; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 46: May 11, 1856, Fredrick Addicks marries Wilhilmina Fich; J. C. Roehm performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 46: May 27, 1856, Robert L. Foard marries Georgana Sherrill; A. M. Campbell, Chief Justice Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 46: July 1, 1856, Littleberry McLemore Newsom marries Sarah S. Jenkins; A. M. Campbell, County Judge Colorado County, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 47: April 8, 1856, Gerhard Struz marries Wilhelmina Mary Cook; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 47: June 29, 1856, John Wood marries Clara Gaul; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 47: September 24, 1856, William W. Wooton marries Martha C. Folts; R. N. Drake, ordained minister, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 48: September 2, 1853, Peter Frey marries Mrs. Mary Dressler; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 48: June 20, 1856, Fredrick Kansteiner marries Henrietta Buscher; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 48: November 4, 1856, Edward Witt marries Therese Watz; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 49: October 27, 1853, Henry Merseberger marries Eleez Thulemeyer; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 49: May 21, 1853, William L. Wynn marries Mrs. Laura Ann McNeill; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 50: December 30, 1852, Thomas C. Gilbert and Amalia Shannon receive license to marry; no return of license.

Book C, page 50: December 1, 1853, Westorn B. Yates marries Martha R. Glenn; R. F. Bunting, Presbyterian minister in Columbus & La Grange, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 50: January 18, 1853, A. J. Romans marries Martha Ann Bateman; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 51: November 23, 1853, Horace Aldis marries Susana Howat; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 51: December 15, 1853, Asa L. Townsend marries Pheobia Ann Cone; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 51: November 9, 1854, James M. Cook marries Mrs. Elizabeth Woolsey; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 52: December 31, 1854, Jacob Kahnd marries Mrs. Caroline Bergerman; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 52: January 11, 1855, George B. Halyard marries Mrs. Susan P. Carter; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 52: October 18, 1855, E. P. Whitfield marries Sarah J. Palmer; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 53: January 16, 1854, Frederick Otell marries Catherine Bartels; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 53: October 14, 1856, Alexander Arnim marries Mrs. Marie Fretzler; R. H. Jones, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 53: February 12, 1856, Gerhard Willmann marries Onna Maria Wink; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 54: October 18, 1854, George W. Breeding marries Isabella L. Carlton; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 54: October 19, 1856, Otto Baring marries Henrietta Frerichs; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 54: January 28, 1856, William Frechrichs [Frerichs] also called William Frels marries Catherine Watz; V. Gury, Catholic priest, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 55: January 18, 1853, John F. Berry marries Sarah E. Norton; no name of individual performing the ceremony.

Book C, page 55: November 16, 1853, George L. Perry marries Mrs. Mary Ann Sapp; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 55: March 5, 1853, Henry Edward Schulz marries Sophia Phillipina Ahldach; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 56: October 6, 1853, Jesse W. Tanner, Jr. marries Jane Turner; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 56: November 12, 1853, Moses Townsend marries Rebecca M. Younger; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 56: March 26, 1853, John W. Wright marries Cintha M. Stapleton; D. F. Payne, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 57: November 25, 1856, Herman August Meyer marries Amelia Martin; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 57: January 23, 1857, Johann Herning marries Lehne Baring; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 57: January 26, 1857, Henrich Kansteiner marries Mariah Morasky; J. C. Roehm, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 58: January 8, 1857, John S. Hancock marries Mrs. Mary C. Hancock; Fenis Ewing Foster, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 58: January 5, 1857, Martin Langan marries Mrs. Eliza Everhard; Gideon Sherer, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 58: March 24, 1857, Jacob Stanger marries Mrs. Mary Stanger; Jacob Sherer, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 59: February 8, 1857, Cristof Burger marries Wilhelmina Scheller; H. E. Jordt, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 59: December 20, 1856, Henrich Joseph Stock marries Mona Gerte Fokrberg; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 60: January 1, 1857, Johan Gerngrass [Gerngross] marries Mariana Werber; V. Gury performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 60: February 21, 1857, A. E. McKennon marries Rebecca Bruton; William H. Strahan, Justice of the Peace, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 60: January 7, 1857, James S. Turner marries Manda Younger; A. M. Box, minister of the gospel, performs the ceremony.

Book C, page 61: February 4, 1857, Freonch Frantz marries Katherine Braden; V. Gury performs the ceremony.