Part 7, Note 47

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Reports of Louis W. Stevenson, October 31, 1868, November 18, 1868, Letters of Louis W. Stevenson, November 22, 1868, December 5, 1868, February 10, 1869, March 1, 1869, Testimony in the Case of E. C. Powell, all in Barry A. Crouch Collection (Ms. 41), Archives of the Nesbitt Memorial Library, Columbus; Columbus Times, July 4, 1868; Post Returns, United States Military, xerographic copies in Reconstruction Documents Collection (Ms. 70), Archives of the Nesbitt Memorial Library, Columbus; Colorado County District Court Records, Criminal Cause Files No. 779 and 778: State of Texas v. Amos Burrell, Criminal Minute Book D, p. 248. The fact that Burrell was not lynched further complicates interpretation of the Bowen lynching. If the mob which lynched Bowen really meant to lynch Thomas, then it seems reasonable to assume that some attempt would have been made to lynch Burrell. Perhaps though, the reaction to the Bowen lynching was so strong as to deter future efforts. Perhaps too the mob got the man they wanted man when they lynched Bowen, and, at this time in county history, were not interested in black rapists such as Thomas and Burrell.