Part 8, Note 24

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Colorado County Police [Commissioners] Court Minutes, Book 1862-1876, pp. 215, 216, 217, 219, 222, 232; Colorado County Bond and Mortgage Records, Book H, pp. 148, 152; Colorado County Election Returns, Register of Elected and Appointed State and County Officials, 1870-1875, both in Secretary of State Papers (RG 307), Archives Division, Texas State Library, Austin; Colorado County District Court Records, Criminal Cause File No. 915: State of Texas v. Robert P. Tendick, Criminal Cause File No. 916: State of Texas v. Charles Schmidt, Criminal Cause File No. 916: State of Texas v. Charles Schmidt, Minute Book E, pp. 250, 260, Minute Book F, pp. 44, 45, 113; Colorado Citizen, November 16, 1871, February 29, 1872, March 7, 1872; Livingston Lindsay to Edmund J. Davis, September 10, 1871, Edward Wilson, et al. to Edmund J. Davis, November 3, 1871, Petition to Appoint Johann Baptist Leyendecker Sheriff, November 3, 1871, Edmund J. Davis Records (RG 301), Archives Division, Texas State Library, Austin. The Colorado Citizen, in reporting on Tendick's trial, speculated that the jury had been packed with Tendick supporters, including "eight gentlemen of color were selected three German citizens and one native American," prompting an angry reply from Tendick the following week.