The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Monday, July 24, 2000 at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 605 Spring Street, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

MayorPaula Frnka
Mayor Pro-TemEarl Joe Frnka, Jr.
CouncilwomanEster Chandler
Councilman Ronnie Rogers
CouncilmanDeWayne Kotrla
City ManagerJohn Brasher
City SecretaryJill Ready

and the following absent:

Councilman Donald T. Churchill


1. Call to Order:

Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., July 24, 2000.


2. Invocation: Councilwoman Chandler


3. Consider and Act on Invoice From Rogers Electric:

Councilwoman Chandler moved to approve payment of the invoice from Rogers Electric. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSTAIN: Councilman Rogers

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


4. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of invoices.

b. Approval of minutes from July 10, 2000.

c. Approval of financial statements.

Councilman Kotrla moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


5. City Manager's Report:

City Manager Brasher reported the following:

The Bowie Street sanitary sewer line rehab project began last week. The contractors began at Preston Street and progress southward down Bowie. The work will be done at night.

The Spring Street water well was repaired and put back into service last Thursday.

Dale Christen is scheduled to begin breaking out the concrete at the site of the MidTown Park this coming week. The city will load and haul the concrete.

The City’s new Windows Utility Billing System was installed a couple of weeks ago and adjustments are being made to the new program.

The City hired Karl Davenport as the new Mechanic Foreman and he will begin on August 8, 2000. He replaces Eddie Stancik who previously held the position and took medical retirement.

The Summer Youth Program will conclude on Thursday, July 28th and the city swimming pool will remain open to the public until Sunday, August l3th.

The City made several improvements to the Girl Scout Hut over the past several weeks that included caulking the cracks in the foundation and walls, caulking around the windows, removing the vines from the exterior wall and high pressure washed, cleaned and painted the exterior walls.

The City work crews have been working in Rose Butler’s pasture removing trees in our easement in preparation of digging a drainage ditch.

There will be a disaster drill tonight involving all emergency personnel.


6. Presentations by Citizens:

Ms. Maybelle Barnett asked if council had approved the Colorado County Central Appraisal District budget. Mayor Frnka stated that the budget has not been approved by council, and if approval is needed, it will be on the next agenda.


7. Consider and Act to Award a Bid to Install a 42-Inch Storm Sewer on Montezuma Street:

Donald Warschak, engineer with John D. Mercer and Associates, presented and reviewed the following bids:

Bidder Bid Price
Canyon Construction Co., Inc. - Pearland, Texas $111,375.96
Supak Construction, Inc. - Orchard, Texas $104,429.00
Uticon, Inc. - Rosenberg, Texas $123,572.00
Mercer Construction Co. - Edna, Texas $131,417.00
Befco Engineering, Inc. - La Grange, Texas $142,664.00

Upon the recommendation of Mr. Warschak, Councilman Kotrla moved to accept the low bid of $104,429.00 from Supak Construction, Inc. of Orchard, Texas for materials and installation of a 42-inch storm sewer on Montezuma Street pending approval of all easements. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


8. Audience to Leroy Sebesta and Milton Wavra Regarding an Update of the Ground Water Advisory Board:

Mr. Leroy Sebesta appeared before council to give an update of the ground water advisory board activities. He stated that they have met numerous times and have prepared a preliminary estimate of operation costs. The advisory board is proposing to fund the budget through ad valorem taxes and taxes on water wells. He is now seeking a recommendation from city council for the creation of a water conservation district.


9.Presentation of City Website:

Daniel and David Arthur of Cybervision, Corp. gave council a demonstration of the city website. They will continue to expand the website as stated for Tier II and Tier III.


10. Consider and Act to Award a Bid for Garbage Collection Services:

Councilman Rogers moved to reject all bids for garbage collection service. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


11. Consider and Act to Implement the Water Management Plan:

Councilman Rogers moved to implement the water management plan as provided for in Ordinance No. 10-98. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


12. Discussion and Action Regarding the Adoption of Ordinance No. 3-00 to Erect Stop Signs on Railroad Avenue at Preston, Railroad Avenue at Live Oak, and at the Northeast and Southeast Corners on Preston at Live Oak:

Councilman Frnka moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3-00 to erect stop signs on Railroad Avenue at Preston, Railroad Avenue at Live Oak, and at the northeast and southeast corners on Preston and Live Oak. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


13. Review and Comment on a Proposed Right-of-Way Use Ordinance:

City Manager Brasher explained that this ordinance is for contractors that come through town doing work in the public right-of-way. This ordinance will require permitting and proof of insurance. Councilman Kotrla recommended adding a penalty clause to the ordinance and including something about railroad crossing maintenance. Councilman Frnka moved to authorize management to take the proposed ordinance to the city attorney and have him incorporate changes in the draft as mentioned if possible. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


14. Consider and Act to Grant Authorization to Apply for an LCRA Partnership in Parks Grant to Assist in the Funding of the MidTown Park Project:

Councilwoman Chandler moved to authorize city management to apply for an LCRA Partnership in Parks grant to assist in the funding of the MidTown Park project. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


15. Consider and Act to Authorize Management to Apply for a Texas Community Development Grant to Drill a Water Well:

City Management reported that it has become necessary for the city to drill a new water well. The cost could be around $300,000. The City’s match would be 15%. City crews need to survey 70% of the area to be supplied by the new water well as part of the grant application. Councilman Frnka moved to authorize management to apply for a Texas Community Development Grant to drill a water well. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.

At this time, 7:52 P.M., Mayor Frnka recessed the regular meeting and entered into executive session.


16. Executive Session for Deliberations Regarding Real Property Pursuant to the Provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Code Annotated, in Accordance With the Authority Contained in Chapter 551.072, To Discuss the Old Post Office Building and City Property on FM 806:

The Executive Session was recorded on an audio tape and sealed in an envelope marked "July 24, 2000 - Executive Session To Discuss the Old Post Office Building and City Property on FM 806."


17. Return to Open Session for the Purpose of Taking Action Relative to the Executive Session in Reference to the Old Post Office Building and City Property on FM 806:

The Executive Session was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. and the City Council meeting reconvened in Open Session. Councilman Frnka moved to decline the purchase of the old post office building and thanked Mr. Prause for his offer. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSTAIN: Councilman Kotrla

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.

Councilwoman Chandler moved to offer for sale at a minimum bid of $50,000 the city property on FM 806. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Churchill

The motion passed.


18. Items From Council:

Councilman Kotrla asked if any response had been received from the Williams concerning the Robinson funeral home property.

Councilman Rogers questioned the status of the house at the underpass. City Manager Brasher said an official letter will be sent to start the process.


19. Announcements:

Mayor Frnka recognized David Peletz who was at the council meeting working on his Eagle Scout Project. She also reminded council of the council picture to be taken in August.


20. Budget Workshop:

Mayor Frnka began the budget workshop at 8:20 P.M. City Manager Brasher reviewed the proposed budget. It was the recommendation of council to authorize a 5% increase in salaries to be distributed by department heads.

Council authorized setting $40,000 aside as seed money for the MidTown Park.

Council agreed to increase out of town garbage to help in funding the fire pension fund.


21. Adjournment:

There being no further business, Mayor Frnka declared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.

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