The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Monday, September 11, 2000 at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 605 Spring Street, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

MayorPaula Frnka
Mayor Pro-TemEarl Joe Frnka, Jr.
Councilwoman Ester Chandler
Councilman Donald T. Churchill
Councilman Ronnie Rogers
CouncilmanDeWayne Kotrla
City ManagerJohn Brasher
City SecretaryJill Ready

1. Call to Order:

Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., September 11 2000.


2. Invocation: Mayor Frnka led the Lord’s Prayer


3. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of invoices.

b. Approval of minutes from August 28, 2000.

c. Approval of financial statements.

Chief Connor explained that the Nextel bills will be paid out of seizure funds for the next few months. Councilwoman Chandler moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


4. City Manager's Report:

City Manager Brasher reported the following:

Supak Construction has completed laying the 42-inch pipe on Montezuma and has begun laying the 30-inch pipe on King Drive. They could possibly complete their portion of the project this week. Once the 30-inch pipe has been laid, the city will begin installing the additional pipe on King Drive and Oak Cluster to complete the project.

Dale Christen has completed breaking up the concrete at the old Spindler property. City crews are currently loading the broken concrete and hauling it to the Venghaus property on the river to fill in an area that washed out.

The playscape for the MidTown Park has been ordered and will take several weeks before it is delivered.

The state still has not made a ruling on the conflict of interest issue between Mercer Construction and John D. Mercer and Associates Engineering. John Kroll has been in constant contact with Phil Rocha of the Texas Department of Economic Development on this issue to get it resolved.

Chris Glenn and his Boy Scout troop painted the ground storage tank at the Tait well this weekend for his Eagle Scout project. City Management will get with the high school art class to design a new logo for the tank.

Construction crews will begin the foundation work for the elevated storage tank and put up the fencing at the business park beginning this week.

A fallen service line on the Bowie Street project is being repaired tonight by the company that did the Bowie Street sewer line rehab project.


5. Police Chief's Report:

Police Chief Connor reported the following:

The Department has met with the Colorado County Fair Association concerning security at the fair. The three municipal police departments and the county will provide officers to work the fair. Each officer will be paid by his own department. The Columbus Police Department will be in charge of security at the fair grounds and at the parade.

The computer software from Cardinal Tracking, Inc. has been installed and it will be a great asset to the department in the future. This software was purchased through the Block Grant and Seizure Funds.

The Department now has five Nextel cellular phones and three regular cellular phones with service through GTE. The Department has five phone lines coming into the office. There are three regular phone lines, a fax line, and an Internet line. Internet services are provided free through a law enforcement grant out of Arkansas. A new telephone system has been installed in the Police Department by Condra Communications. The new system provides voice mail, recording and paging capabilities, and speaker systems on each phone.

The Department’s budget included funds for office furniture for the Chief’s office. Used furniture has been purchased for approximately $2200.

The Department has studied reducing the speed limits on Montezuma Street. Records indicate that three accidents have been reported on Montezuma in the past five years. At this time there appears to be no need to reduce the speed limit, but council has the right to reduce it if they so desire.

The Department would like council to study the need for adopting an ordinance concerning sexual explicit businesses and an ordinance for dangerous animals or hobbies that are a threat to society within the city limits.

The Department has two hundred gun locks to be given away. A workshop concerning gun safety will be held with the public.


6. Presentations by Citizens:

Judy Barrett asked council to consider reviewing and revising the zoning ordinance to keep mobile homes out of the future expanded historic district.

Janice Coleman told council that property values will decline with mobile homes coming in. Charles Barrett and Angie Giddings also spoke against allowing mobile homes within residential areas in the city.


7. Public Hearing to Receive Comments on the Proposed City of Columbus Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001:

The council meeting was recessed and Mayor Frnka opened the public hearing at 7:12 P.M. No one appeared before council to make comments. The public hearing was declared closed by Mayor Frnka at 7:13 P.M.


8. Discussion and Action to Consider Ordinance No. 4-00 Adopting a Budget for the City of Columbus for Fiscal Year 2000-2001:

Councilman Rogers moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4-00 adopting a budget for the City of Columbus for fiscal year 2000-2001. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed. A copy of the ordinance follows these minutes.


9. Discussion and Action to Consider Ordinance No. 5-00 Establishing an Ad Valorem Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2000-2001:

Councilman Frnka moved to adopt Ordinance No. 5-00 establishing an ad valorem tax rate of $0.1881 for fiscal year 2000-2001. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed. A copy of the ordinance follows these minutes.


10. Discussion and Action to Consider Ordinance No. 6-00 Establishing Commercial and Residential Garbage Rates:

Councilwoman Chandler moved to adopt Ordinance No. 6-00 establishing commercial and residential garbage rates. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed. A copy of the ordinance follows these minutes.


11. Consider and Act on Application to Permit a Manufactured Home to be Located at 1505 Sunset:

The applicant was present to answer questions from council. Councilman Churchill reported that the lot did not meet the required depth of 115 feet. Councilman Rogers moved to grant a variance on the lot size and permit a manufactured home to be located at 1505 Sunset. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilman Rogers and Councilwoman Chandler

NAYS: Councilmen Churchill and Kotrla

ABSTAIN: Councilman Frnka

The following tie breaking vote was cast:

NAYS: Mayor Frnka

The motion failed.


12. Consider and Act on the Adoption of Resolution No. 12-00 Approving an Application for Funding Through the Texas Department of Economic Development Texas Capital Fund - Infrastructure Program for Texas Great Southern Wood L.L.C.:

Councilman Kotrla moved to adopt Resolution No. 12-00 approving an application for funding through the Texas Department of Economic Development Texas Capital Fund-Infrastructure Program for Texas Great Southern Wood L.L.C. Councilman Churchill seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


13. Consider and Act on Request From the Colorado County Fair Association to Close Milam and Walnut Street From 10:30 A.M. Until 12 O’Clock Noon on Saturday, September 15, 2000 for the Colorado County Fair Parade:

Councilman Frnka moved to approve the closing of Milam and Walnut Streets from 10:30 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. on September 15, 2000 for the Colorado County Fair Parade. Councilman Churchill seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


14. Consider and Act on a Request by St. Anthony School to Close Wallace Street From Live Oak to Bowie From 5:30 P.M. on Friday, October 27, 2000 Until Midnight Saturday, October 28, 2000 for the Annual St. Anthony PTC Halloween Carnival:

Councilwoman Chandler moved to approve the closing of Wallace Street from Live Oak to Bowie from 5:30 P.M. on Friday, October 27, 2000 until 12:00 A.M. Saturday, October 28, 2000 for the annual St. Anthony PTC Halloween Carnival. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


15. Consider and Act on a Budget Amendment to Install a Storm Sewer on Montezuma, King Drive, and Oak Cluster:

Councilman Kotrla moved to approve a budget amendment increasing Pubic Works-Improvements account #8420 for $167,255 and decreasing Police Department-Buildings account #8410 by the same amount for the installation of storm sewer on Montezuma, King Drive and Oak Cluster. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


16. Discussion and Action Regarding Request to Lower the Speed Limit on Montezuma Street:

Councilman Rogers moved to not change the speed limit on Montezuma Street. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


17. Review and Comment on the Proposed Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan:

City Manager Brasher and Utility Superintendent Lawrence Dungen reviewed the proposed water conservation and drought contingency plan. The City is mandated by the state to have a plan in effect. Council made various recommendations. City management will change the document as recommended and bring it back to council for final approval.


18. Set Date and Time for a Public Hearing to Receive Comments on the Proposed Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan:

Councilman Churchill moved to set September 25, 2000 at 6:30 P.M. as the date and time to hold a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed water conservation and drought contingency plan. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


19. Items From Council:

Councilman Kotrla asked city management to research a previous discussion about setting some land aside for a water well at the MidTown Park site.

Councilman Churchill expressed concern about under-aged children having easy access to alcohol and asked what was being done to address this.


20. Announcements:

Mayor Frnka reminded everyone about the upcoming Colorado County Fair and kick-off.

Mayor Frnka recessed the meeting for a short break and entered into executive session at 7:58 P.M.


21.Executive Session for Deliberations Regarding Conference With Employees Pursuant to the Provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Code Annotated, in Accordance With the Authority Contained in Chapter 551.075, To Discuss Police Department Issues:

The executive session was recorded on audio tape and sealed in an envelope marked "September 11, 2000 - Executive Session to Discuss Police Department Issues".


22. Return to Open Session for the Purpose of Taking Action Relative to the Executive Session in Reference to a Conference With Employees to Discuss Police Department Issues:

The executive session adjourned at 8:47 P.M. and the city council meeting reconvened into open session. Mayor Frnka reported that no action would be taken at this time.


23. Adjournment:

There being no further business, Mayor Frnka declared the meeting adjourned at 8:49 P.M.

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