The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Monday, October 23, 2000 at 6:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 605 Spring Street, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

MayorPaula Frnka
Mayor Pro-TemEarl Joe Frnka, Jr.
Councilwoman Ester Chandler
Councilman Donald T. Churchill
Councilman Ronnie Rogers
CouncilmanDeWayne Kotrla
City SecretaryJill Ready

and the following absent:

City Manager John Brasher

1. Call to Order:

Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., October 23, 2000.


2. Invocation: Mayor Frnka led the Lord’s Prayer


3. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of invoices.

b. Approval of minutes from October 10, 2000.

c. Approval of financial statements.

Councilman Rogers moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


4. City Manager's Report:

Mayor Frnka reported the following:

The City has begun cutting Oak Cluster to connect the west side of Oak Cluster with the storm sewer that was laid on the east side.

City Hall, the Recycling Center and the Nesbitt Memorial Library will be closed on Friday, November 10th for the observance of Veteran’s Day. The library will also be closed on Saturday. There will be no residential garbage collection on the day of the holiday. All regularly scheduled routes will resume Monday and those residents who did not receive collection service on Friday will be allowed to put out ten items on Tuesday.

Burger King closed its doors on Sunday to make way for the construction of a Jack in the Box. Burger King expressed interest in building another restaurant in a year or so depending on the market and the availability of land.

The construction of the Texas Crossroads Business Park entrance signs has begun and the concrete pads for the elevated storage tank have been poured.

The Mayor, City Manager and members of the Columbus Community and Industrial Development Corporation are planning a trip to Early, Texas to tour their incubator business building. The CCIDC is in the planning process of building an incubator building in the Texas Crossroads Business Park.

A meeting was held last week with Karl Young of the Texas Department of Economic Development and Hydro-Test to finalize the details of their Texas Capital Fund Grant application that will be reviewed by the TDEC Board of Directors on December 6th. The purpose of the grant is to assist in the construction of the Hydro-Test building in the Texas Crossroads Business Park.

The city’s application for Texas Community Development grant funds to drill another water well will be presented before the review committee on Wednesday, November 29th.


5. Presentation by Citizens:

No citizens appeared before council at this time.

At 6:35 P.M., Mayor Frnka recessed the regular meeting and entered into executive session.


6.Executive Session for Deliberations Regarding Real Property Pursuant to the Provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Code Annotated, in Accordance with theAuthority Contained in Chapter 551.072, Regarding the Golf Course Note:

The executive session was recorded on audio tape and sealed in an envelope marked "October 23, 2000 - Executive Session Regarding Real Property - To Discuss the Golf Course Note".


7. Return to Open Session for the Purpose of Taking Action Relative to the Executive Session in Reference to the Golf Course Note:

The executive session was adjourned at 7:46 P.M. and the City Council meeting reconvened in open session. Councilman Kotrla moved to table action regarding the golf course note until additional information is received. Councilman Churchill seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion to table action passed.

At this time, 7:52 P.M., Mayor Frnka recessed the regular meeting and entered into executive session.


8.Executive Session for Deliberations Regarding Consultation With the City Attorney Pursuant to the Provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Code Annotated, in Accordance with the Authority Contained in Chapter 551.071:

The executive session was recorded on audio tape and sealed in an envelope marked "October 23, 2000 - Executive Session For Consultation with the City Attorney".


9. Return to Open Session for the Purpose of Taking Action Relative to the Executive Session in Reference to the Golf Course Note:

The executive session was adjourned at 9:06 P.M. and the City Council meeting reconvened in open session. Councilman Churchill moved to instruct the City Engineer to survey and mark the property acquired from Union Pacific. Councilman Frnka seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


10. Consider and Act on the Adoption of Resolution No. 16-00 Establishing Rules and Regulations Regarding the Use of Excessive Force During Nonviolent Civil Rights Demonstrations, Including Physically Barring Entrance to a Facility or Location Which is the Subject of Such Demonstrations:

Mayor Frnka explained that it is a requirement of one of the grants that the city have an excessive force policy in place. Councilwoman Chandler moved to adopt Resolution No. 16-00 establishing rules and regulations regarding the use of excessive force during nonviolent civil rights demonstrations, including physically barring entrance to a facility which is the subject of such demonstrations. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


11. Consider and Act on the Adoption of an Excessive Force Policy:

Councilman Frnka moved to adopt the excessive force policy. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


12. Consider and Act to Authorize Management to Advertise for a New Vehicle for the City Manager:

Councilman Rogers moved to authorize city management to advertise for bids on a new vehicle for the City Manager. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


13. Notice of Termination of the Volunteer Water-Rationing Plan:

Mayor Frnka advised council that the voluntary water-rationing plan could now be lifted. Councilwoman Chandler moved to terminate the volunteer water-rationing plan currently in effect. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.


14. Notice of a Workshop to be Conducted With the Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday, November 6, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers in City Hall to Discuss the City’s Manufactured Home Ordinance:

Mayor Frnka announced that a workshop to discuss the City’s manufactured home ordinance is to be conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. She requested council’s input for and attendance at this meeting. Councilman Rogers stated that the lot size requirement should be reviewed and revised.


15. Items From Council:

Councilman Kotrla reported that some citizens had expressed concern about skunks around the Lutheran Church. Councilman Kotrla also asked about the demolition of buildings on the Robinson Property.

Councilman Rogers asked if the smell along the railroad tracks was from a gas leak. Utility Superintendent Dungen said the odor was not the result of a gas leak.

Councilman Frnka stated that he would like to see prayers at sporting events. He also reported that there would be a Pro-Life March held on November 4th.


16. Announcements:

There were no announcements at this time.


17. Adjournment:

There being no further business, Mayor Frnka declared the meeting adjourned at 9:16 P.M.

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