The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Tuesday, May 9, 2000 at 1:30 p.m., in the Columbus High School Auditorium located at 105 Cardinal Lane, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

MayorPaula Frnka
Mayor Pro-TemDeWayne Kotrla
CouncilwomanEster Chandler
CouncilmanEarl Joe Frnka, Jr.
CouncilmanMartin Williams
City ManagerJohn Brasher
City SecretaryJill Ready

and the following absent:

CouncilmanRonnie Rogers

1.  Call to Order:

 Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 1:50 P.M., May 9, 2000.

2. Invocation:    Councilman Williams

3.  Consent Agenda:

     a. Approval of invoices.
     b. Approval of minutes from April 24, 2000.
     c. Approval of financial statements.

Councilwoman Chandler moved to approve the consent agenda.  Councilman Williams seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:   Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed.

4. City Manager's Report:

    City Manager Brasher reported the following:


  1. The City received a copy of the Railroad Commission's Proposal for Decision pertaining to Gas Utilities Docket No. 8787 in which the Railroad Commission has ruled that Texas Southeastern Gas should refund the city $82,103 for charging unauthorized rates.  The Railroad Commission will review the case on May 23rd.
  2. The Nesbitt Memorial Library has applied for a Bill Gates Foundation grant to receive two computers that will be used for internet access.  Bill Stein has indicated that the library has an excellent chance of receiving the grant that would have a value of approximately $8,000.
  3. The City should have Railroad Avenue completed and ready for seal coating by the end of this week.  All of the asphalt was reclaimed and used as a road base.
  4. There has been a slight hitch in the request by the Columbus Community and Industrial Development Corporation and Texas Great Southern Wood to annex 18.15 acres into the city.  Approximately seven acres of the property is located in the Glidden Fresh Water District.  Dwain and Lawrence Dungen will attend the next meeting of the water district to discuss a possible plan for annexation.
  5. Bid proposals have been sent to several contractors for the repairs to the City Hall roof.  Bids will be opened on May 17th with council action on May 22nd.
  6. The draft of the request for proposals and contract for solid waste services has been completed and is being typed.  It will be brought before council on May 22nd for discussion and action. 
  7. There are currently five commercial businesses and five residential properties under construction in the city.  Plans are in the works and there is a possibility of four more commercial businesses being developed in the very near future along with a patio home complex and a forty to eighty home subdivision.
  8. The Certificate of Construction Completion should be executed this week, which will close out the Texas Capital fund I-10 access road project.
  9. All three home rehab projects have been completed.  Two reconstruction projects are underway.
  10. Glidden waste water has now been converted over to the new treatment plant at the Industrial Park.

5. Police Chief's Report:

    Chief Connor reported the following:

  1. Derek Hepner has been hired as an officer for the Columbus Police Department.
  2. Numerous complaints have been received about weeded lots.  The same lots continue to be problems and are considered nuisance lots.  Local companies will be contacted to bid on cutting these lots.  Mowing and cleaning costs that have not been reimbursed, were given to the City Attorney so that he can proceed with placing liens on the properties for those fees.
  3. The Bicycle Rodeo has temporarily been cancelled.  The appropriate literature to distribute to the participants has not been received.
  4. A new software program called Future Net is being added to give the officers an extra tool for investigation and research.
  5. The drug crime information requested by council is being obtained and should be available in the near future.
  6. The department will be renovating the property room.

6. Public Comments:

   No one appeared before council for public comment.

7. Canvass the City General Election:

   City Council canvassed the returns of the City General Election of May 6, 2000.  There were 718 voters and the candidates received the following number of votes:

For Council Place No. 3Martin Williams 293
Donald T. Churchill 418
For Council Place No. 4John H. Axel 272
Ronnie Rogers 436
For Council Place No. 5DeWayne A. Kotrla 492

  Councilman Kotrla moved to accept the tabulation of votes cast.  Councilman Frnka seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

8. Discussion and Action to Set the Date and Time to Administer the Oath of Office to the Newly Elected Officials:

  Councilman Frnka moved to set May 22, 2000 during the regularly scheduled council meeting as the date and time to administer the oath of office to the newly elected officials.  Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

9. Consider and Act to Permit a Manufactured Home at 702 Prairie Street:

  Councilman Williams moved to approve the permit to place a manufactured home at 702 Prairie Street.  Councilman Frnka seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

10. Audience to Bob Ballenger for an Update of the Water Meter Conversion Program:

   Mr. Bob Ballenger with U.S. Filter gave a report on the water meter conversion program and the anticipated revenue resulting from the conversion.  He projected that 1,056 man hours will be saved over a one year period.  Water revenue has increased 17% and sewer revenue has increased 6%.  It will take about 42 months for this additional revenue to pay for the cost of the meter conversion project.

11. Consider and Act to Execute a Professional Service Contract for Grant Management With Southwest Development Associates:

  Mr. John Kroll with Southwest Development Associates was present to discuss the grant management contract with council.  Councilman Kotrla moved to execute a professional service contract for grant management with Southwest Development Associates.  Councilman Williams seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

12. Consider and Act to Execute a Contract Between the City and the Texas Department of Economic Development for a Texas Capital Fund Grant:

  Mr. John Kroll explained that this contract basically states that, if the city will pay for the construction of roads and utilities to the Great Southern Wood Preservation site, the State will reimburse the city for the costs related to construction.  Councilwoman Chandler moved to execute a contract between the City and the Texas Department of Economic Development for a Texas Capital Fund Grant.  Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

13. Consider and Act to Execute a Contract Between the City and Texas Great Southern Wood, L.L.C. to Meet Specific Requirement Stipulated by the Texas Department of Economic Development:

  Mr. John Kroll explained that this contract states that the City will provide infrastructure to the proposed site and Texas Great Southern Wood will build their facility there and hire the number of people they originally said they would.  Councilwoman Chandler moved to approve the execution of a contract between the City and Texas Great Southern Wood, L.L.C. to meet specific requirements stipulated by the Texas Department of Economic Development.  Councilman Williams seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

14. Discussion and Action Regarding the Development of a Teen Center:

  The coordinator of the teen center in Eagle Lake, Ms. Rhonda Bridges, was present to discuss their program at the Ice House.  She reported that they have forty to fifty children involved when there is a program going on.  It was her recommendation to have a paid coordinator for at least one year to get the program organized and going. 

  Mr. Dan Peevy with Colorado County Youth and Family Services was also present.  He stated that he sees the teen centers as great opportunities and has worked with the center in Eagle Lake to get a $40,000 grant which was used to pay a director and recreation leader. 

  The Swalm Foundation has agreed to build the building for the teen center/senior citizen center on city property and the city will be responsible for running and maintaining it.  The Swalm Foundation is requesting that City Council respond with their decision by May 12th.

  Councilman Williams made a motion to move forward with the development of a teen/senior citizen center for the City of Columbus.  Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:  Councilmen Frnka, Williams, and Councilwoman Chandler
        NOES: Councilman Kotrla
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed. 

15. Motion to Adjourn:

  There being no further business, Councilwoman Chandler moved to adjourn the council meeting at 2:55 P.M.  Councilman Williams seconded the motion.  The vote was as follows:

        AYES:   Councilmen Frnka, Williams, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler
        ABSENT: Councilman Rogers

The motion passed.

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