The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, 605 Spring Street, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

Mayor - Paula Frnka
Councilman - Leroy J. Sebesta
Councilman - Donald T. Churchill
Councilman - Ronnie Rogers
Councilman - DeWayne Kotrla
City Manager - David Stall
City Secretary - Jill Ready

And the following absent:

Mayor Pro-Tem - Ester Chandler

1. Call to Order:

Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., June 11, 2001.

2. Pledge: Led by Mayor Frnka

3. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of invoices.
b. Approval of minutes from May 9, 2001 special meeting and May 29, 2001 council meeting.
c. Approval of financial statements.

Councilman Rogers moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Councilman Kotrla seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, and Kotrla

ABSENT: Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

4. City Manager's Report:

City Manager David Stall reported the following:

John Connor and Charles Rerich were recognized for aiding a citizen in need. New hires were announced. Training courses complete by employees were noted.

Line item budget worksheets have been presented to each department head.

A sale of city surplus property was held netting a total of $5,934.48.

The police department has moved to a ten hour work day for the summer months. A comparative statistical report of police activity was presented.

An update on the annexation of various properties was given.

The water well at the high school continues to be out of service due to pump problems.

Installation of the head works screen at the sewer plant should begin on June 25th with completion on or before September 30th.

The city manager will represent the city at the first annual meeting of the Texas Colorado River Floodplain Coalition on Tuesday, June 12th.

The July Fourth Picnic will be held at the City Park on Montezuma.

A "Notice of Violation" form has been created and updates of violations will be included in each council report.

The Bicycle Rodeo sponsored by the Columbus Police Department was a success.

The Public Works crew assisted with the installation of decorative street lighting around the Courthouse Square.

A subdivision is being proposed north of Montezuma and east of Oak Cluster.

Efforts to organize the Juneteenth Celebration continue.

5. Citizen Presentations and Comments:

No citizens appeared before council with comments or presentations.

6. Consider and Act on Mayor’s Appointment of City Engineer:

Mayor Frnka appointed Mr. Maury Stiver of Stiver Engineering for the position of City Engineer. Councilman Sebesta expressed concern about approving someone he had not interviewed. Councilman Kotrla moved to table confirmation of the Mayor’s appointment of a city engineer. Councilman Sebesta seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, and Kotrla

ABSENT: Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

7. Consider and Act on Mayor’s Appointment of Two Members to the Board of Adjustments:

Mayor Frnka recommended the appointment of Lori Biffle and Ian Hartigan to the Board of Adjustments. Both appointees have been contacted and agreed to serve. Councilman Rogers moved to approve the appointment of Lori Biffle and Ian Hartigan to serve on the Board of Adjustments. Councilman Sebesta seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, and Kotrla

ABSENT: Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

8. Consider and Act on Budget Amendment to Add $10,680.24 in Unbudgeted Funds to the General Fund, Fire Department Budget Line Item Number 8266, Repairs & Maintenance – Vehicles; for a Previously Approved Expenditure to Repair a City Fire Truck:

Councilman Kotrla moved to approve the budget amendment to add $10,680.24 to the General Fund, Fire Department budget line item #8266, Repairs & Maintenance-Vehicles for a previously approved

expenditure to repair a fire truck. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, and Kotrla

ABSENT: Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

9. Presentation of Construction Plans Proposed By Hydro-Test, Inc. for Texas Crossroads Industrial Park:

Mr. Don Neiser, engineer, displayed plans for the Hydro-Test, Inc. facility to be constructed in the Texas Crossroads Business Park. Mr. David Norborge of Hydro-Test, Inc. was also present to answer questions from council.

10. Items From Council Members:

Councilman Sebesta reported that the Governor had signed the Post Oak Groundwater Conservation District Enabling Act and the Board of Directors will be meeting in the near future.

Councilman Churchill requested that council hold a workshop on appointments at the next regular council meeting. He also stated that he had attended the Church Of God’s dedication of their new facility.

Councilman Kotrla requested that the names of proposed appointees be given to council prior to the council meeting.

11. Announcements:

There were no announcements.

12. Adjournment:

There being no further business, Mayor Frnka declared the meeting adjourned at 7:43 P.M.





City Secretary