The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Monday, August 13, 2001 at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 605 Spring Street, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

Mayor - Paula Frnka
Mayor Pro-Tem - Ester Chandler
Councilman - Leroy Sebesta
Councilman - Donald T. Churchill
Councilman - Ronnie Rogers
Councilman - DeWayne Kotrla
City Manager - David Stall
City Secretary - Jill Ready

1. Call to Order:

Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., August 13, 2001.

2. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Mayor Frnka

3. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of invoices.
b. Approval of minutes from July 23, 2001 Council Meeting.
c. Approval of financial statements.

Councilman Kotrla moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

4. City Manager's Report:

City Manager Stall reported the following:

Received the survey of the drainage ditch between the Ward and Youens Additions today.

All drain pipe is in the ground for the storm sewer. Still need to install inlets and do some dirt work.

City Management met with Mr. Voskamp concerning the property south of Montezuma. An agreement was reached to keep the drainage ditch clean and a gate will be installed in the fence so regular maintenance can be done to the ditch.

The wastewater treatment plant headworks project is at a standstill awaiting the arrival of the auger.

The grant administrator of the MidTown Park project is anxious to proceed with going out for bids, but City Management is waiting for a cost estimate from engineering to see if the recommended improvements are within budget.

The City will be erecting "No Parking" signs at the MidTown Park as needed to prevent large vehicles from parking on the grass.

City Management spoke with Commissioner Wessels concerning the installation of handrails at culverts on Montezuma.

A meter has been installed at the Golf Course to measure water pumpage.


5. Citizen Presentations and Comments:

No citizens appeared before council at this time

6. Accept Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Audit for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2000:

Mr. Chris Arthur was present to answer questions from Council. Councilman Rogers moved to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla, and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

7. Consideration and Confirmation of Mayor’s Appointment of Two Alternate Members of the Board of Adjustments:

Councilman Rogers moved to confirm Mayor Frnka’s recommendation to appoint Modina Mangini and Bob Stanley as alternate members of the Board of Adjustments. Councilman Sebesta seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla, and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

8. Acceptance of Bids, Consideration and Action to Award of Construction Contract to Lowest Qualified Bidder to Construct Building and Improvement for the Hydro-Test Project Within the Texas Crossroads Business Park:

City Manager Stall reported that, at this time, this project should not be awarded because grant funds are not being released by the Department of Agriculture. As soon as the funds are released the project can be awarded. Councilman Rogers moved to table action for award of the construction contract to construct the building and improvements for the Hydro-Test Project within the Texas Crossroads Business Park. Councilman Churchill seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion to table action passed.

9. Certification to the Texas Department of Public Safety that the Columbus Police Department Needs Either Video and Audio Equipment or Funds to Purchase Same Pursuant to Article 2.135 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for Installation in Police Vehicles Regularly Used to Make Traffic and Pedestrian Stops; and, Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Such Certification:

City Manager Stall explained that this certification would allow the City to receive grant funds to purchase needed police equipment. Councilman Rogers moved to approve the issuance of certification to

the Texas Department of Public Safety that the Columbus Police Department needs either video and audio equipment or funds to purchase them pursuant to Article 2.135 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for installation in police vehicles regularly used to make traffic and pedestrian stops and, authorized the Mayor to sign such certification. Councilman Sebesta seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

10. Approval of Specifications and Advertisement for Bids for Depository of City Funds for a Period of Two Years Commencing October 1, 2001:

Councilman Sebesta moved to approve the specifications and advertisement for bids for depository of city funds for a period of two years commencing October 1, 2001. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

11. Consideration and Approval of a Contract for Assessment and Collection Services for the 2002 With the Colorado County Central Appraisal:

Councilman Kotrla moved to approve the contract for the assessment and collection services for the 2002 year with the Colorado County Central Appraisal District. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Sebesta, Churchill, Rogers, Kotrla and Councilwoman Chandler

The motion passed.

12. Items from Councilmembers:

Councilman Sebesta stated that he liked the policy statement issued concerning approval of expenditures.

13. Announcements:

There were no announcements.

14. Recess:

Mayor Frnka recessed the meeting at 6:50 P.M.

15. Budget Workshop:

Mayor Frnka entered into a budget workshop at 7:00 P.M. City Manager Stall reviewed the draft budget document. He reported that the budget keeps the tax rate at last year’s rate of 18.881. He also stated that utility rates remain the same but will need to be reviewed in the future. City Manager Stall reported that health insurance costs are increasing 30% and recommended a decrease in benefits to reduce the cost increase to about 15%. Concerning payroll, City Manager Stall included a $450 across-the-board increase plus 2% of current rate of pay. He also proposed the establishment of longevity pay at the rate of $60 per year.

16. Adjournment:

There being no further business, Mayor Frnka declared the meeting adjourned at 8:26 P.M.





City Secretary