The City Council of the City of Columbus, Texas met in regular session on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 605 Spring Street, Columbus, Texas, with the following present:

MayorPaula Frnka
Mayor Pro-TemEarl Joe Frnka, Jr.
Councilwoman Ester Chandler
Councilman Donald T. Churchill
Councilman Ronnie Rogers
City ManagerJohn Brasher
City SecretaryJill Ready

and the following absent:

Councilman DeWayne Kotrla

1. Call to Order:

Mayor Frnka called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., October 10, 2000.

2. Invocation:Councilman Frnka

3. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval of invoices.
b. Approval of minutes from September 25, 2000.
c. Approval of financial statements.

Councilwoman Chandler moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Churchill seconded the motion. After discussion concerning a new phone system in the police department, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka and Councilwoman Chandler

NOES: Councilmen Churchill and Rogers

ABSENT: Councilman Kotrla

The following tie-breaking vote was cast:

AYES: Mayor Frnka

The motion passed.

4. City Manager's Report:

City Manager Brasher reported the following:

Caribbean Contractors were to begin trenching and laying the water line this week in the industrial park that will service the Great Southern Wood Preserving plant. Also, Supak Construction executed the contract to extend a gas line from the regulator station at the industrial park to the Great Southern Plant and should also get started this week. Dernehl Construction is progressing with the street and drainage improvements.

Charlie Matlock has almost completed the demolition of a burned out house located on Fannin Street.

The City has completed hauling the concrete from the site of the MidTown Park and the playscape has been delivered. Once the safety zone material has been delivered, the construction of the playscape will be scheduled.

The city is nearing completion of the storm sewer on the east side of Oak Cluster. The city still has to cut the street in several locations and put in the drop inlets on the west side of Oak Cluster. Once Oak Cluster is completely finished, the city will begin the same process on King Drive.

Southwestern Bell is considering a two story addition to their existing building at Austin and Spring.

Building permits were issued for the construction of a Jack-In-The-Box to be located at the site of Burger King. This will be a $250,000 project.

The city is lifting the mandatory water conservation plan and implementing a voluntary water conservation plan for now.

A state audit will be conducted Thursday on the I-10 Access Road Texas Capital Fund Grant.

5. Police Chief's Report:

Police Chief Connor reported the following:

Officer Dustin Noska was injured in an automobile chase. He will be off work for approximately two more weeks. A police car was damaged in the incident. The estimated cost of damage is $2,300. Hopefully, restitution will be made.

The department would like to purchase some video equipment for the statement room. It was included in last year’s budget but not purchased, and the department is seeking permission to use those funds to purchase the equipment now.

Officer Wayne Thompson has been terminated and Officer Derek Hepner has resigned. Chief Connor requested that council review the policy on terminations and consider giving department heads the authority to fire employees rather than the city manager.

A new patrol unit will be delivered within two weeks. It will be a 2000 year model.

The investigation of drug activity continues to be a high priority. Several arrests were made since the last report to council.

6. Presentations by Citizens:

No citizens appeared before council at this time.

At this time Mayor Frnka moved to Item No. 9.

9. Consideration for Approval and Action Adopting Resolutions 14-00 and 15-00 to Settle Pending Litigation Involving Texas Southeastern Gas/Railroad Commission Audit Docket:

City Manager Brasher reported that the City Attorney had prepared Resolutions 14-00 and 15-00.

Councilman Rogers moved to adopt Resolutions No. 14-00 and 15-00 to settle pending litigation involving

Texas Southeastern Gas/Railroad Commission audit docket. Councilman Churchill seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Kotrla

The motion passed.

10. Consider and Act on the Appointment of a Representative and Alternate to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the Year 2001:

Councilman Rogers moved to appoint Earl Joe Frnka, Jr. as the representative and DeWayne Kotrla as the alternate for the City of Columbus to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 2001. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Kotrla

The motion passed.

11. Consider and Act on the Appointment of a City Council Representative to Serve on the Fire Pension Board:

Councilman Frnka moved to appoint the mayor as the City Council representative to serve on the Fire Pension Board. Councilwoman Chandler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Kotrla

The motion passed.

12. Consider and Act on the Appointment of a Member of City Council to Serve on the Employee Grievance Committee and the Citizens Grievance Committee:

Councilman Frnka moved to appoint Councilman Donald Churchill to serve on the Employee Grievance Committee and Councilwoman Ester Chandler to serve on the Citizens Grievance Committee. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Kotrla

The motion passed.

13. Consider and Act on the Appointment of Councilman Donald Churchill as the City Representative on the Planning and Zoning Commission:

Councilman Frnka moved to appoint Councilman Donald Churchill as the city representative on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman Rogers seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

AYES: Councilmen Frnka, Churchill, Rogers and Councilwoman Chandler

ABSENT: Councilman Kotrla

The motion passed.

7. Audience to Todd Barten Regarding the Golf Course Note Payment Due to the City:

As allowed under the Open Meetings Law concerning discussion of real estate, Mayor Frnka recessed the regular meeting at 7:00 P.M. and entered into Executive Session pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Code Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Chapter 551.072, to discuss the golf course note payment due to the City from Todd Barten. The Executive Session was recorded on audio tape and sealed in an envelope marked "October 10, 2000 - Executive Session to Discuss Real Estate - Golf Course Debt".

8. Discussion and Action Regarding the Golf Course Note Payment That is Due to the City:

The Executive Session was adjourned at 7:25 P.M. and the city council meeting reconvened into Open Session. Mayor Frnka reported that there was no action to be taken at this time. This item will be put back on the agenda on October 23, 2000 for action.

14. Items From Council:

Councilman Frnka questioned where the city posts agendas as he had seen some in various businesses.

15. Announcements:

There were no announcements at this time.

16. Adjournment:

There being no further business, Mayor Frnka declared the meeting adjourned at 7:28 P.M.

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